Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Perspectives - Concept Presentation and Cone of Cogency

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anastasija - okay - so my first impressions of your structure is that chapter 1 could be focused still further. It feels like the reader would need to fully understand what you mean by 'The Russian Cinema' and to understand, as you say, from where this 'Russian-ness' derives in terms of understanding the socio-historical & cultural context from which it has flourished. I wonder if there's room here to get into the influence of Hollywood, which feels like something you can only do if you've established 'Hollywood-ness' for the reader as well - which seems like too big a subject to also include in this first chapter. It might be more logical to begin with to consider a 4 chapter structure - so Chapter 1 = defining Russian Cinema (as a pure form). Chapter 2 = defining Hollywood-ness (as a pure form). Chapter 3 = prove/explore the influence of 'Holly-woodness' on 'Russian-ness' by examining transitional examples of Russian cinema - i.e. those films that demonstrate the influence, and likewise explore the critics who are for and against the blending/emulation etc - Chapter 4 - Identify an example of Contemporary Russian film that you think represents a 'good' example of 'new Russian-ness' in terms of film-making or something that is progressive or at least more complex/interesting than any of the previous examples...
