Monday, 19 February 2018

Perspectives - Thesis Proposal OGR

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anastasija - good work so far! I've made a few suggestions for further research below:

    The BFI companion to Eastern European and Russian cinema (Library book) Available from Farnham if you place a hold on it - please talk to the staff at the Gateway Desk if you're not sure how to do this.

    It would also be worth looking more generally at what's available at Farnham as their cinema collection is much more extensive than the one at Rochester:

    The Russian cinema reader. Volume one, 1908 to the Stalin era (ebook)

    The Russian cinema reader. Volume two, The thaw to the present (ebook)

    The cinema book (Library book)

    Soviet Hollywood: The Culture Industry That Wasn't Journal article
