Saturday, 24 November 2018

Minor Project - Man Model

For eyes I modeled two spheres, and put one into another. The bigger sphere is invisible and the smaller(black pupil) is parented to the big one. I also experimented with aiToon and countours.


  1. Hi Anastasija. I found that 'Paperman' effect video I told you about (image below). I will upload it for you on Tuesday in the Uni (its a pretty big file). However, alternatively you can come and collect it on Tuesday or Wednesday and I'll explain what the video is suggesting. You can also look at the "Toon Shaders for Illustrative Renders" video under the 'Lighting & Rendering / Maya Software 101' section on the tutorial website. That video covers some of same principles. The techniques can be upscaled for Arnold.

  2. Hi Anastasija. I have uploaded the video and made a section on the Tutorial Website (link below under the Texturing section). There are three videos in the section. The first a character made by someone online (with an image showing the render passes). The second, one I made for Red & the Kingdom of Sound which covers some of the same techniques. Finally, the character turnaround video from Pipeline 1. This included how to use Maya Toon lines, 'crease lines', and hardened Normals to control line placement.
