Saturday 10 November 2018

Minor Project - Updated Animatic


  1. Hey you! So pleased you returned to this, Anastasija :) I want this story told! I have just one further comment to make: at the point where we see the young man/soldier looking over at the burning of the ghetto, I think anyone who doesn't know their history might not understand that this is the moment when the soldier assumes his actions meant the girl he loved died. I think you need a bit more information in there for those audiences (which will be 'most' people I'm afraid). It needs to be as simple - and as straightforward - as the audience being shown a newspaper headline or something like that which tells us that 'This many people are 'thought' to have died at this incident' - something factual and historical that tells us very clearly that a) the girl died but also b) that not everyone died - so something which estimates the death toll, or suggests that 'most' people died etc. There's just this little piece of info not available to audiences. Let me know if this makes sense! In more general terms, the direction etc, the use of 'camera' etc - all of that is very assured and very emotive - well done.

  2. yes, I understand. I will think more about the examples of how I can show this moment.
