Sunday 30 December 2018

Minor Project - Man Turnaround


  1. Nice work Anastasija! it might be a good idea to have the motion between the different shaders be consistent so that there is no pause between them? :)

    1. Yo!It took me a while to render it, I won't do it again. Maybe when I am back at university.

  2. Hi Anastasija - The turnaround tutorial is not online yet (likely tomorrow) - I'll let you know when its on. However, your wireframe is not quite what you need to show off you model correctly (industry standard etc). The good news it's actually the quickest and easiest part of the turnaround to set up/render so its an easy fix. Basically, you do it using a playblast. In the Viewport 2.0 settings and render settings do the following...

    1) Set your viewport to the desired render camera and then set up render settings (HD 1080 etc).
    2) Turn off the render gate in the view port (render area).
    3) Use smooth preview on your character (press 3 etc)
    4) Give you character a black Surface Shader (Flat shader)
    5) In the viewport 'shading' menu turn on Wireframe on Shaded.
    6) In the Renderer/Viewport 2.0 options set the 'Anti-ailiasing/Multisampling/Sample Count to 16 and turn on Smooth Wireframe'.
    7) Open the Playblast options and turn off: View and Show Ornaments.
    8) Set the Format to Image and Encoding to Tif
    9) Set the Display Size to 'From Render Settings' and set the scale to 100%.
    10) Finally select 'Save to File' and choose a name and directory.
    11) Select playblast - It shouldn't take long out at all to render.

    The difference between this render and your one is that it gives you what you see in the viewport when you smooth a mesh not the more complex (dense) tessellation/subdivision information. Basically, a smoothed version of your simplest mesh. That information is much more useful for an employer.

  3. Hi Anastasija - The Pipeline 1 turnaround video is now online (uploading now).
